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Yeasmin Nahar

(M.A. in English, B.Ed.)


             On behalf of St. Philomena's Central School (CBSE) I'm welcoming all the parents and students.

  "The process of education can never be completed without

the combination of the best teaching techniques,

the best faculties and the best environment."

        Hence our philosophy of education has always been to meet the needs of individual students. We foster, appreciate and applaud the fine blend in a child and provide a balanced environment which is their growth challenge and discovery.

        Our vision at St Philomena's Central School, incorporates building a child-centric approach to learning that incorporates inquiry, research, analytical thinking, information literacy, collaboration and communication. We aim to empower our students to spread their wings, strengthen their self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence. We ensure that every Peterian who enters the threshold of our academic institution, leaves as a well-equipped learner, prepared to face life’s challenges, albeit keeping in mind the ethos of moral values and principles. We pride ourselves to help our students grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the next generation.

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